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Monday, September 04, 2017
By Jaclyn Paige Photography
This post is a little more technical then a lot of the others I write, but I wanted to talk a little about the benefits of black and white photography. As you can see from my other blog posts and Facebook images, I mostly choose to keep the images I create in color. Sometimes, however, I find that an image needs to be in black and white instead. There are a few reasons for this. First, and most "unromantic" of them, sometimes converting an image to black and white can save it from being thrown out. For example, if a subject is standing near a red barn and half their face gets a red cast from the light bouncing off it, that image may look too strange to keep. But in a black and white image, that red glow won't be detected. There are times when the green grass makes subjects' faces also look rather green, but correcting the color balance for an accurate skin tone throws off the rest of the colors in the composition.
Second, a mentor once told me, "If the fact that an image is in color isn't making it a better image, see what it will look like in black and white." The images below are not characterized by the color of their backgrounds and settings, so black and white is absolutely called for here!
On the flip side of that coin, sometimes the color of an image adds too much, and is just plain distracting! Our eyes are drawn to gaze on warm colors (like yellows and reds) and if those colors are pulling the attention away from the main character of the image, a monotone palette keeps those distractions at bay.
My favorite reason for converting to black and white is to better convey the emotion of an image. There is a simplicity and timelessness to some moments that I capture, and I think black and white keeps them timeless and simple.
When you view your images in your private gallery from your session with Jaclyn Paige Photography, you can view and order any image in color or black and white. Call me at (865) 363-4568 or Contact Me Through My Website to schedule your session today!